Product Info
The Xceed is amongst the first gliders newly designed to also operate with combustion engines and electric motors. The semi-reflex profile is the ideal transition from the free-flight hybrid to the full-reflex wing. Due to the extremely powerful profile of the X Ceed, it is also suitable for free-flight enthusiasts.
In flight, when the speed inscreases, the reflex effect is being enhances by changing the profile, which makes the pilot understand the basics of reflex technology. Right from the beginning the pilot can really enjoy the ride because the handling is so easy and still precise. The Xceed is equipped with a riser, tip-steering and a 130mm trimmer.
The easy launch characteristics are based on a mix of materials and special geometry – hence, starting with the paramotor has never been easier. Due to the extremely wide size range from 20m2 to 28m2, we can cover a weight range from 60kg to 160 kg!
Available in 5 sizes from 20m2 to 28m2 in the standard layout - special colors are not an option.

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Package contents
Your Gravity wing is delivered with the following accessories:
- inner bag
- glider strap
- riser bag
- adhesive repair material,
Test Flight
For a test flight find a local dealer or contact us.