Xmaniac LTF /EN B
Product Info
Xmaniac is a light version XC wing lifting every pilot safely to the next level. Our goal during the developing phase was to design a direct B-glider for a broad range of pilots or freestyle beginners and to combine the highest feel-good-factor and safety precautions.
Xmaniac was designed to stay tolerant when in extreme conditions, precise and delivering performance and speed straight to the point when being directly handled. It is equipped with the latest technologies and a sharknose, both ensuring higher stability. This glider will greatly inspire and enthuse every distance hunter from beginner to experienced pilot who want to explore and seek adventures by gliding for hours and managing far distances. The smooth and easy handling is now enhanced with higher performance and maximum safety.
Available in 5 sizes from 21m2 to 29m2 in the standard layout - special colors are not an option.

Errors, omissions reserved, subject to modification, changes and without notice. Reproduction in whole or part without written, confirmed permission of GRAVITY airsports & more GmbH is strictly prohibited and results in legal action.
Package contents
Your Gravity wing is delivered with the following accessories:
- inner bag
- glider strap
- riser bag
- adhesive repair material,
Test Flight
For a test flight find a local dealer or contact us.