Xterra LTF /EN C Hike & Fly
Product Info
Xterra is built to quench the thirst of outdoor adventurers from tough mountaineers to hike and fly addicts. The wing captivates the pilot, due to its little weight as well as its ideal flying and handling characteristics. GRAVITY takes great pride in the Xterra being one of the lightest gliders on the market worldwide, offering so much freedom and keeping all your options open, due to its minimal pack weight.
You can enjoy it on reliable thermal spots, when travelling long distance or diving in an extensive alpine adventure. It is of no surprise that this glider is also used for pure pleasure flights. Having gained a few grams to ensure long lasting fun while airborne, this glider is a full-on wing which can be also be used for long-distance flights. In summary, the Xterra is a superb combination of a slender glider with a high performance.
Available in 4 sizes from 16m2 to 23m2 in the standard layout - special colors are not an option.

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Package contents
Your Gravity wing is delivered with the following accessories:
- Tubebag
- glider strap
- riser bag
- adhesive repair material,
Test Flight
For a test flight find a local dealer or contact us.